Title: Miss Alaineus: A Vocabulary Disaster
Author: Debra FrasierIllustrations: Debra Frasier
Published: Frasier, D. (2007). Miss Alaineus: A vocabulary disaster. Orlando: Voyager Books.
Themes: spelling, vocabulary, mistakes
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Sage is a grade five student who was sick on the day that her teacher assigned that week's vocabulary words. She calls her friend Starr who lists and spells each word for Sage, except for the last word - Miss Alaineus. I bet you can only imagine what happens when it's test time! Find out how Sage copes and how she turns her mistake into a victory!
This is a great book for older students (grade 4-6) as the content is longer and the words are more sophisticated. Frasier illustrates this book perfectly. The pictures appear to have been created on lined paper and her images are relate-able to a child in these elementary grades. I only wrote some ideas of activities for this book, but there are so many more that you'll be able to think of. You'll be able to get great mileage out of this book while stretching your students' vocabulary muscles.
Classroom Ideas:
- Have your students open the dictionary and write a sentence using 3 words that begin with A. Try to select words that are different and unusual. When students are done with their A sentence, move on to a sentence with B words. Consider having your students write on a theme, such as daily activities. There are examples along the border of the book pages. I recommend that this is a long-term assignment you assign to your students.
- Have your own vocabulary parade in your classroom -- students choose one of your spelling words and create a costume or t-shirt based on its definition. A great idea for a culminating activity!
- This book can help you discuss synonyms -- have students choose a word (noun, adjective or verb) and then try to find 3 words that mean the same thing (synonyms).
- Have your students complete a placemat activity (as found here):
- Have students create a character web for Sage. What does the author tell us about her personality or character traits? How does she act?
- Reflection Questions: a) what would life be like if there were no words? b) what would your writing be like if there was not a variety of words?
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