February 26, 2014


Title: Ish
Author: Peter H. Reynolds
Illustrations: Peter H. Reynolds
Published: Reynolds, P. (2004). Ish. Somerville, MA: Candlewick.
Themes: art, artist, creative thinking, process, confidence
Have you have the opportunity to read any of Peter Reynolds' book? Have you read The Dot. Wow. But that's a post for another day. Similarly to The Dot, Ish follows a young boy who just doesn't feel as though his drawings are "right". While his vase does not look exactly like a vase, it does look vase-ish. And his tree does not look exactly like a tree, it does look tree-ish.

I love this book because it is a little window into the idea that not everyone does things the exact same way.

Classroom Ideas:
- Have students write their own "ish" poems 
- Have students create their own "ish" drawings or watercolour paintings. This could also be a great lead in to looking at abstract art with your students.
- I think this could be a great book to have students do reader's theatre. It's short, it has different voices, and it has a powerful storyline. 
- PERFECT story to make some text-to-self connections (especially for younger students K-3). Have you ever felt that your art is just not "right"?
- Class Pledge - have your class promise that they will always do their "best job".

Can you think of any of 'ish' activities that students would love?

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