February 21, 2014


Title: Journey
Author: Aaron Becker
Illustrations: Aaron Becker
Published: Becker, A. (2013). Journey. Massachusetts: Candlewick Press.
Themes: adventure, imagination, self-determination, unexpected friendship


A lonely little girl enters into a new and exciting world with her red crayon, a marker that can help her create anything she wants. She journeys along until she comes across an unexpected friendship. 

It's no secret that I'm a sucker for a good wordless book. There are just endless possibilities for classroom use and can easily be used for all students in your classroom.

Classroom Ideas:
- Wordless books are great for working on inference and prediction skills (something our students are in desperate need of ).
- Have students create one last picture for the book. What would the next page look like? What would the two friends be doing next?
- Have students choose one picture in the book and write a descriptive paragraph about what is happening on the page.
- Have students create a concept map on journeys

Discussion Questions:
- What would you do with a magical crayon?
- Why do you think the girl is lonely at the beginning of the book?

How do you feel about wordless books?

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