Title: The Mysteries of Harris Burdick
Author: Chris Van Allsburg
Illustrations: Chris Van Allsburg
Published: Van Allsburg, C. (1984). The mysteries of Harris Burdick. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Themes: mystery, adventure, imagination
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Can we just agree right now that Chris Van Allsburg is a genius?
Okay, now that we've got that settled, let's dive in to this amazing book. This book has been around for quite some time, but I just don't think that it's gotten the respect that it deserves.
In case you haven't been privileged enough to know this book or the story behind it, I'll give you a little sneak peek into the introduction that Van Allsburg has written:
"Thirty years ago a man called at Peter Wender's office, introducing himself as Harris Burdick. Mr. Burdick explained that he had written fourteen stories and had drawn many pictures for each one. He'd brought with him just one drawing from each story, to see if Wenders liked his work.
Peter Wenders was fascinated by the drawings. He told Burdick he would like to read the stories that went with them as soon as possible. The artist agreed to bring the stories the next morning. He left the fourteen drawings with Wenders. But he did not return the next day. Or the day after that. Harris Burrdick was never heard from again....To this day Harris Burdick remains a complete mystery."
That is just two paragraphs from the introduction, the whole thing can be read here (and I STRONGLY suggest that you check it out; it's fascinating).
Can't you just see your students wanting to know what happened to Harris Burdick? The intriduction in itself leads to an amazing writing opportunity.
But that's why Chris Van Allsburg is a genius; he doesn't stop there. He includes the fourteen pictures and their captions in the book.
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Teachers: this link has some fantastic ideas for using this book in your classroom.
Enjoy the mysteries of Harris Burdick!
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