I missed blogging.
I do have another blog called Living as a Single Gal...but I haven't written over there in a little while.
To be quite honest, I think I was tired of writing about single girl woes. Anyways....
This is a new adventure; something I'm truly passionate about..... BOOKS!
I'll give you a disclaimer right away: this may be a collection of picture books, although I have been known to read a novel every now and again. Being a primary/junior teacher candidate my love of books has manifested...and so has my book collection. Just this past weekend we had a girls weekend away to Buffalo, NY. And being the person that I am I made my group go to a couple bookstores. I spent a majority of my time sitting on the floor of the children's department sad because I knew I couldn't bring them all home. So after and hour or so, I bought two picture books that I am very excited about. Maybe they will be featured in an upcoming post.
So whether your a fellow educator looking for lesson ideas or a mama looking for books for her kiddies, I hope you will enjoy my posts.
"There is no friend as loyal as a book"
Ernest Hemingway
Grab a cup of tea and read a post or two.
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